Our Beginning


Rotary International President: Rolf Klarich
District Governor: Darrell Rieck
President: Peter Livingstone
Theme: Take Time to Serve

Provisional Rotary Club of Loganholme
Loganholme Tavern
Monday, 5 January 1981

Board of Directors
President Peter Livingstone

President Elect 1981/1982 Gary Olsen
Secretary Jim Worrell
Treasurer Ritchie Royale
Director Club Service Dave Roseby
Director Vocational Service Don Brandon
Director Community Service Kel Barnes
Director International Service Darryl Hood
Fun Raising and Programmes Peter Chinnery

Club Service Committee Members

Registrar/Attendance Warren McLaughlan
Sergeant at Arms Trevor Kenney
Bulletin Editor Wally Drinkwater
Publicity Officer Don Brandon
Rotary Information Dave Mayo/Don Brandon
Membership Development Ron Lewis
Fellowship Cliff Brough/Gerry Le Masurier

This week -
Chairman Gary Olsen
Guest Speaker Des Lamb - QATB

Provisional Rotary Club of Loganholme Charter Member List

Rotarian Classification Rotaryanne

Peter Livingstone Fork Lift Distributing Pam

President Elect
Gary Olsen Transport & Storage Karen

Jim Worrell Surveying Dawn

Richard Royle Business Management Services Beverley

Sergeant at Arms
Trevor Kenney Excavating Marjorie

Kel Barnes Education - Secondary Peggy
Don Brandon Senior Active Joan
Peter Chinnery Service Stations Lynne
Dave Roseby Government Services - Sue
Land Admin.

Peter Barnett Swimming Pool Constructions Diana
Bill Boelen Fast Foods Patricia
Cliff Brough Sand & Gravel Distributing Leith
Ed Brown Electrical Contracting Valerie
Merv Coplick Taxi Service Cheryl
Wally Drinkwater Jewellery Retailing Dot
Eric Evans Hardware Retailing Anne
Tim Holmes Automobile Retailing
Darryl Hood Civil Engineering Carole
Rudy Janssen Painting Contractor Julie
Mark Jeffries Interior Decorating Faye
Bob Jones Building Construction June
Cliff Lawrence Real Estate Lynette
Gerry Le Masurier Industrial Cleaning Supplies Margaret
Ron Lewis Grocery Retailing Joy
Bill Lightbody Accounting Services Martha
Warren McLaughlin Insurance Broking Anne
Chris Monahan Legal Services Christine
Rowland Moody Veterinary Services Wendy
Bob Moses Floor Coverings Retail Meagan
Doug Ritchie Automotive Electrical Services Claire
James Scally Cable Manufacturing Isobelle
Brian Towel Equipment Hire Ann

Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Rotary Club of Loganholme
Held on Wednesday 11th March 1981 at the Loganholme Tavern

Present: P. Livingstone, D. Roseby, G. Olsen, P. Chinnery, D. Hood, W. Drinkwater, R. Royle,
J. Worrell,

Apologies: K. Barnes, W. Boelen

Meeting opened: 7.20 pm

Correspondence inwards:

Wallace Bishop Factory - a/c for badges $82.23
Wally Drinkwater - a/c for intermesh $27.95
Wallace Bishop Factory - a/c for glasses $1,223.03
Imprint Plastics - a/c for badges $160.23
Westminster Press - a/c for menus $124.29
Westminster Press - a/c for Intermesh $225.17
Beenleigh Press - a/c for envelopes $89.53
R/c of North Tamborine - Donation
R/c of The Southport
R/c of Salisbury
R/c of South Brisbane
R/c of Balmoral
R/c of Burleigh Heads
R/c of Booval
R/c of Cleveland
R/c of Mermaid Beach
R/c of Wynnum Manly
R/c of Kingscliffe
R/c of Ipswich City
R/c of Surfers Paradise
R/c of Capalaba
R/c of Tara
R/c of Toowoomba


We live in rapidly changing times; we (as Leaders in the community) are individually facing new pressures from every direction at an unprecedented rate - yet as the need for our contribution as Rotarians is greater than ever in all four avenues of services.

This message is simple; we can do more if we have more contributing Members and more Members to contribute. In this our first year - our year of charter, we have already experienced the all too common fluctuations of membership, fortunately, we can refer to them this year as "Growing Pains", let's strive to do so in the coming year.

We were chartered on January 26th with a Charter Member list of 31. This fell with the resignation quite early in the piece of Cliff Lawrence - because of business pressures. More recently we accepted the resignation of Rudy Janssen, also because of business pressures, those were our losses. We welcomed five new Members to the Club, these were Kerry Angilley, Graeme Bosanquet, Pat Dowling, Stuart Harrison and Bunny Strong - the result being now a total membership of 34, with, I believe, a couple of nominations in the pipeline. So that's the state of the membership right now and I know that incoming President Gary has the membership drive among his top priorities.

The reports by the various Committee Directors record our main activities, but some highlights should not pass unmentioned:

Our first major function - the Progressive Dinner, was an astounding success and served well to bring that so essential feeling of "belonging" to the Members and their Annes.

Our first open community function, "Review on Parade", was likewise a great hit, so much so that the Beenleigh Theatre Group has been booked for our Christmas community function. Our Fund Raising Chairman, Peter Chinnery, and all the willing helpers, both members and Rotaryannes can be justifiably pleased. Well done and thank you.

My thanks go to all officers of the Club, especially those unsung heroes such as Bulletin Editor, Attendance officer, Duty officers, etc., who seem to get little reward other than a fine by the Sergent for the smallest aberration.

Thank you, each and every one of you, for the support you have so willingly given me during my term of office.

May I conclude by wishing our incoming President, Gary Olsen, and his team a rewarding and, I hope, an enjoyable year of office.
Peter A. Livingstone


Since the inception and subsequent charter of our Club on 26th January 1981, the primary aim of Club Service has been towards consolidation - by direction and implementation of the aims and objectives of Rotary.

We have been most fortunate in having the benefit and knowledge of a number of Rotarians, who, by their years of experience in association with the service to Rotary, have been able to guide and advise our Club in all matters which go towards making a harmonious, well integrated unit. In particular we wish to that Bulletin Editor Wally and Rotaryanne Dot, for their combined efforts in producing our Club Bulletin - without which we would not be informed and orientated in Club matters and duties.

To committee members who have served in our inaugural Club Service Committee, I wish to express my appreciation for their support and efforts in this, the first year of the Loganholme Rotary Club.


Membership of Committee

Chairman - Donald F. Brandon
Ted Brown
Robert Moses
Brian Towell

The object of Vocational Service is to encourage high ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all occupations, and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

In a new Club such as ours, there is a lot of "learning" to do. With such a big percentage of new Rotarians, there has been a constant flow of Rotary Information directed to the Club members by the following methods:

1. Old Members giving the benefit of their experience.
2. Guest Speakers by invitation.
3. By our own "Intermesh" - our Weekly Bulletin.

I believe that all members, both old and new, have benefited by the imparting of this information. We have got to know more about our Members, by Job Talks and "Getting to Know You", and these talks have been featured at nearly every meeting.

Our frequent Ladies Nights have helped to weld the Club together into a Band of Rotarians.

The Plaque "The Objects of Rotary" was presented to all Rotarians at the Charter Night Induction. It is hopeful that these may be framed and hung in a conspicuous place.

Our Father and Son or Daughter night was a great success, in that our children had a better idea of what Father did on the night he went to Rotary.

In a new Club there is much to be done, and it is hoped that my successor will get the same support and willingness as I have had in my period of office

D.F. Brandon

In our Charter Year, the main efforts of the Community Services committee have been to establish priorities in community needs.

Members have met with the Hon. Ivan Gibbs to discuss possible state funding of a Community Youth centre, and with mayor Huntress to discuss the availability of a suitable site. A preliminary approach has been made to the Principle of T.A.F.E. concerning a joint Rotary/T.A.F.E. project to assist with the training of youth and in fund-raising for the Youth Centre project.

Members have been committed to assistance in the Loganholme Fun Run planned by the management Committee of Cornubia Park for the P&C Association of the Shailer Park High School and the Loganholme Progress Association.

A Citizenship Shield for annual competition has been presented to the Shailer Park High School and further disbursements totalling $1000 have been to the local organisation of S.E.S. and Blue Nurses.

My best wishes to the incoming committee.

K.H. Barnes

Director Darryl Hood
Committee Rudy Janssen
Mark Jeffries
Bob Jones
Bill Lightbody
Pat Dowling

In the International Service field in our new Club I feel that our involvement in some of the activities are not financially possible at this stage in time and we are endeavouring to embark on a programme of guest speakers to educate our new members of the future participating possibilities.


In our club at present we have two exchange students who have been sponsored by the Beenleigh Rotary Club prior to our charter. Sue Roseby who has returned from her escapade to Canada in 1980 and has spoken to us on two occasions as guest speaker about her experiences and on going participation.
Cameron Scally who is currently on his exchange to Japan and he also addressed us prior to his departure and we are looking forward to hearing a lot more from him on his return to Australia.

We are currently looking at hosting a student from an overseas country subject to meeting the financial obligation. The two exchange students from the Beenleigh Club, Hero from Japan and Kurt from Germany both visited our club during the year as club guests and followed up with a small talk about themselves.

The results of a recent survey shows that we have a possible 20 members who would be prepared to act as a host family so we should have no problems in that regard. From the same survey it was shown that we are a very young club (in members age as well) as we have 62 children from 0 to 21 years of age but only two that could be eligible for exchange participation in the coming year. So the possibilities of sending a student from the club would be on the funding a participant from outside the club and also in this field we have no nominations to date.


Health, Hunger and Humanity, the rather imposing title explained and presented by Past District Governor Ron Gough as guest speaker at one of our recent meetings. It was noted that the 3H programme was continuing on and was based on personal participation of Rotarians rather than passing on of gifts.

(c) F.A.I.M.

Fourth Avenue in Motion.

We are currently on a F.A.I.M. membership drive with Mr Cyril Richarde as our guest speaker at the F.A.I.M. promotion dinner on Monday 22nd June and looking for members at $10.00 for a person's life membership. Also any member wishing to offer their services or be a part of a team to work on projects overseas let us know.

Early in the new club year we hope to have a guest speaker on the operation and philosophy of the Rotary Foundation. At present our members contribution amount to approximately $100.00, which is the proceeds from the rather large billy that is passed around for small change at every meeting night. The board has approved to make up the difference to make our club a 100% contributor by June30th, 1981 a cheque for the sum of US $300 is being sent to Evanston Illinois. On a district level as at 31st March so far the contributions have averaged $3.36 per head so we are holding our own and next year look towards an increased plateau level.

Darryl Hood


For a new club with very new Rotarians, we have had some very good guest speakers, some good speakers, with none you would call just "speakers".

Getting guest speakers requires full club participation. One man cannot cater for the interests and tastes of all Rotarians. He must have assistance from the members, if not with actual names of guest speakers, at least with ideas of suitable topics, appropriate organisation or events of interest.

Our guest speakers this year have covered a wide variety, from Local Body - State Emergency Service, N.Z. Trade Commission, Narcotics, Quarantine Laws, Chinese Antiques and Ambulance Association to a fair assortment of Rotary topics.

Thank you fellow Rotarians for your assistance in gaining the wide variety we have been able to enjoy this year.

Peter Chinnery